Call of duty black ops cold war alpha pc
Call of duty black ops cold war alpha pc

call of duty black ops cold war alpha pc

Within the Modern Warfare or Warzone menus, selecting the Alpha menu blade either brings you straight to the Alpha to jump in and play if you’ve already downloaded, or redirects you to its download page at PS Store. Those who own Call of Duty: Modern Warfare or have Warzone installed can access the Black Ops Cold War Alpha through the main menu. Note that due to the game’s rating, PS Plus is required to download in Germany.Īccessing the Alpha + Reward for Participation Download Free Alpha: Europe, Middle East, Australia, or New Zealand.Pre-loading is planned to begin on September 17 at 8am Pacific / 4pm BST ahead of the Alpha’s scheduled launch on September 18 at 10am Pacific / 6pm BST.ĭownload the free Alpha at the links below for your respective region: The Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Alpha is set to have a download size of approximately 25 GB. Pre-Loading, Download Size, and Regional Download Links

Call of duty black ops cold war alpha pc